Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Could you benefit from hypnotherapy for anxiety? Well, that depends on how you might answer any of the following questions:

Do you often find yourself feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge?

Do you feel overwhelmed in your personal or professional life?

Do you find yourself struggling in social situations?

Is your inner critic out of control?

Do you find yourself getting easily angry, frustrated or overwhelmed?

It’s unsurprising if you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above – we all will at some point. After all, we live hectic lives juggling many responsibilities and expectations. We are invited to focus on our careers, be present for our families, lead rich and fulfilling cultural and creative lives, exercise vigorously, maintain wide and diverse social circles – is it any wonder we can feel overwhelmed? The demands we place on ourselves can lead to a constant sense of falling behind, or simply not being good enough. Environmental, economic and political uncertainty only add to that burden. So if you’re struggling, you’re not alone!

The truth is, however, that anixety is an internal response. It is not mandated by any one set of circumstances. While it’s not unreasonable to feel anxious about any number of things, it is not compulsory. Whether it’s changing the way we think about something, or relaxing the body, or taking steps to solve some of the problems we face, there is always something we can do to improve how we are managing.

The British Psychological Society found in their 2001 report that hypnotherapy ‘significantly reduces general anxiety, tension and stress’. By combining the powerful effects of hypnosis with evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH) is a way of equipping you with the insights and skills you need to better yourself and your situation.

If you’d like to arrange a free telephone consultation to further discuss how hypnotherapy for anxiety could be of help to, you can do so by clicking here.